[A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)] de Samuel Bayer

En Europe, à Hollywood ou devant un écran vert, ces films prennent vie actuellement !
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[A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)] de Samuel Bayer

Messagepar alienfactory » Lun 28 Sep 2009 - 10:50

Freddy is back ! Jackie Earle Haley (Watchmen) reprend le Fedora, le pull rayé et le gant laissés vacants par Robert Englund pour ce reboot de la franchise.
Le trailer : http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea ... d=63620005
Le site officiel : http://nightmareonelmstreet.com/
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Re: [A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)] de Samuel Bayer

Messagepar Laurent2 » Lun 28 Sep 2009 - 18:27

On dirait que le maquillage est retouché numériquement dans le dernier plan... Ca sent le frometon.

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Re: [A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)] de Samuel Bayer

Messagepar fifou » Mar 29 Sep 2009 - 0:28

Oui, ça sent la retouche numérique, peut-être pour qu'on ne puisse pas voir le vrai visage de freddy avant la sortie du film ils avait fait la même chose dans la BA de dawn of the dead de zack snyder avec la gamine zombie ^^,

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Re: [A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)] de Samuel Bayer

Messagepar BILL » Mar 29 Sep 2009 - 13:10

Jackie Earle Haley est un comédien génial (nous allons d'ailleurs publier son interview, une exclu web, sur Watchmen) : même si la bande-annonce n'a rien d'original, il fera peut-être quelque chose d'intéressant avec le personnage. Le début laisse à penser que Freddy est peut-être une victime innocente de la colère de la foule, ce qui serait un nouvel angle passionnant...
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Re: [A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)] de Samuel Bayer

Messagepar JoTK » Mer 04 Nov 2009 - 19:40

Je ne sais pas ce que vaut le scénario mais les images sont en tout cas magnifiques. Peut-être que c'est la HD qui me donne cette impression mais au niveau de la composition et de la lumière, c'est loin d'être baclé.

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Re: [A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)] de Samuel Bayer

Messagepar POP » Dim 04 Avr 2010 - 11:13

Nouvelle photo du nouveau look de Freddy !! Hop...

nightmare_on_elm_street_freddy_creepy.jpg (39.92 Kio) Vu 5146 fois

Plus un petit extrait d'une interview avec Andy Clement (créateur du maquillage) évoquant entre autre l'utilisation de l'image de synthèse en renfort du maquillage:

Q: Once you started on the design, can you talk about how it evolved, what made the transition, what didn't, any ideas early on that you might have thought were great but just didn't click without everyone else?
AC: There were a lot of things I liked. I liked some of the things that I don't know that people would have had a really easy time accepting as Freddy like crusty and flaky skin coming off, all sorts of things. I brought in two other concept artists to work with me and we knocked around a lot of designs and we just sort of saw what resonated -- taking the old makeup and doing variations of that. I started back when Jackie wasn't even considered for the role and I had seen online somebody was talking about somebody else so I started doing concepts on [that person] and then Jackie came in and I started doing concepts on his face. I knew we wanted to have a CG component to it and right as we began filming we were still thinking there was going to be a larger CG component, but we started getting feedback on how the design actually looked great without it even from our first test and I think that the results and the feedback were so strong that we didn’t really need to go digital. This is plenty scary as it is just as the makeup so we pulled back on that, but we still have a digital component and it's going to look really cool.

Q: What is the digital component?
AC: Can I say?

Q: Is it the left side, cheek area?
AC: Yeah. There was going to be more of that, but we just decided to keep it down to that and I don't think you're going to see it in every shot, it's just going to be layers of skin working over one another. We're using silicone appliances this time as opposed to foam so there's a sort of mushiness to it. So I think what we're going to do is just have more of a tendon-ness, more detail, a lot more depth than we could get from the silicone alone. It doesn't make sense that some of his face just wouldn't go away..

Utilisation restreinte de CGI pour le moment donc. On verra ce que l'on aura au final, moi je trouve le résultat plutôt convaincant et réaliste !

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